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Solo-Woman Play 《Rushi: Three reincarnations of a Chinese Woman》

Yanzi was a harpist, pianist and composer from Taiwan. As she always tries to experiment with different art forms to convey the essence of the story, she becomes a  bilingual actress, writer, translator, and dubbing artist traveling between the US and Taiwan.


As an artist, her mission in the United States is to create work and collaboration opportunities for diverse groups.


As an actor, she leads two Off-Broadway Play and two feature films and won the BEST ACTRESS at World Film Carnival Festival, Los Angeles Cinematography Awards(LACA), Paris International Film Awards, and SILVER WINNER of Tokyo Film Awards.

The BEST LEADING ACTRESS nomination includes  Berlin Indie Film Festival, Tokyo Lift-Off Film Festival and Asian Film Art International Film Festival.

As a writer, her stage play has been world premiered at New York east Broadway theater, been invited to Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA), and appeared the main Chinese media on the East Coast. Her film script has also won 11 Best Screenplay in reputable film festivals around the world, including the finalist in the Oscar-qualifying festival. 


As a lecturer in Asia, she shares and discusses with alien artists how to create a career in the United States with your own craft and creativity.

OK seriously, veggie and animals are her true career! Singing is her JUST LOVE!



丁姲之為紐約台灣雙語演員,除了在紐約主演過兩部外百老匯戲劇與長片,同時也是中英翻譯與雙語配音員,自2019年起服務於美國知名配音公司AudioWorks, 擔任中英翻譯及配音員。

2022年以電影"Lucidity"獲得世界電影嘉年華(World Film Carnival Festival)、巴黎國際電影獎(Paris International Film Awards)、洛杉磯攝影獎(Los Angeles Cinematography Awards)最佳女主角(BEST ACTRESS),東京映畫賞(Tokyo Film Awards) 最佳女演員銀賞,以及在獨立製片擁有極高口碑的東京國際推進影展(Tokyo Liff-Off Film Festival)最佳女主角入圍中。

姲之同時也是一位劇作家及編劇。2019年呈現由Bagela4Art娛樂公司製作,姲之擔任編劇、演員及作曲的全英文獨角戲《如許:一個中國女人的三生三世》,於東百老匯區的The Playroom Theatre演出,並在美國華人博物館(Museum of Chinese in America)舉行藝術家講座。電影劇本至今獲得洛杉磯國際電影節、倫頓獨立電影獎、坎城絲路影展、羅馬電影獎、好萊塢金獎與五大洲國際電影節等十二項最佳劇本。


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