Yanzi is a writer based in New York and Taiwan, with a portfolio that spans stage plays, musicals, and films.
She has earned 11 Best Screenplay awards at prestigious festivals globally, including the Los Angeles International Film Festival (Indie Short Fest), Silk Road Film Awards Cannes, Rome International Movie Awards, and London Independent Film Awards. She was also a finalist at the Oscar-qualifying Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival.
Her one-woman play, Rushi: Three Reincarnations of a Chinese Woman, which she both wrote and composed, premiered on the East Broadway in 2019. It has since been showcased at the Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) and featured by Sing Tao Daily, a major Chinese press on the East Coast.
The two full-length musicals she composed, Amour and The Murder of the Babama Company, saw the latter winning Best Musical at the Taipei Fringe Festival.
Yanzi’s mission is to create innovative works that foster equity and provide opportunities for diverse theatre artists worldwide.
2019年呈現由Bagela4Art娛樂公司製作,由姲之擔任編劇、演員及作曲的英文獨角戲《如許:一個中國女人的三生三世》,於東百老匯區的The Playroom Theatre演出,並在美國華人博物館(Museum of Chinese in America)舉行藝術家講座。
電影劇本獲得洛杉磯國際電影節、倫頓獨立電影獎、坎城絲路影展、羅馬電影獎、好萊塢金獎與五大洲國際電影節等十一項最佳劇本,以及入圍符合奧斯卡金像獎(Oscar Academy Awards)參賽資格之「羅德島國際電影節」(RIIFF)前八強。
