In Rushi, a one-woman show featuring Yanzi Ding, the blend of slide projections and live theater works perfectly to evoke the three reincarnations of a Chinese woman. The multi-talented actor, writer, composer, and singer has accomplished an incredible feat – highlighting the timely subjects of the role of women in society and the challenges facing immigrants – as she expertly transforms herself from one character to another. Content and style are seamlessly woven together to create an educational and entertaining play.
June Prager, Artistic Director, Mirage Theatre Company
As the highlight of this show, Ding lends her lovely soprano to “Part of His World” from The Little Mermaid, does her own sprightly vegetarian take on “Happy Working Song” from Enchanted, and breaks hearts with “Another Suitcase, Another Hall” from Evita.
Robert Viagas, Former Broadway, Playbill Editor and Critic
Actor Yanzi Ding sang a haunting rendition of the aboriginal Taiwanese song, “Standing on the High Peak.” The quiet that followed encouraged the audience to empathize with the victim’s pain.
The Show is really highlighted by the charismatic Star Yanzi — It is Also a subject that gives insight into the meaning of Life in all its permutations — Something serious but not threatening —Very well performed.
James Doyle-Klier, NYC Theatre Director and Producer
Yanzi Ding is a very talented actor and writer, and of course musician!! I was enthralled. She is so comfortable on stage. I was so drawn to her characters.. and the footage was amazing.
Eric Martin, NYC Broadway Musical Teacher & Pianist